Thursday, February 25, 2010

tea time.

today my dear friend sarah took me out on a tea date for my birthday. we went to special teas tea room in chadds ford and it was lovely. we shared a pot of earl grey tea and each got two scones (yes, we're both pregnant) and they both were amazing. apparently they have won awards for their scones. i would highly recommend it if you like tea and like outings. it has inspired me (have you noticed i'm always inspired?...hmmm...) to have a tea party, which has been added to the list below. as soon as i got home i found my tea set i got from my wedding (from lynn) and looked up scone recipes. here are a few i found i would like to try.

coffeehouse scones from 'joy of baking.

blueberry-buttermilk scones from martha.

i'm not attached this recipe, i just want to try some blueberry ones.

as for tea, harney and sons is really good. i must give credit where credit is due and say sarah found them awhile ago. she has got us all addicted to their paris tea.

the tea room we went to today also sold loose leaf tea which i would go back and buy.

and as for tea paraphernalia...

i love this teapot from anthro

i heart tea print from iloveshop

keep calm and drink tea print from KeepCalmShop

it's teatime print from seasprayblue

tea pot clock from decoylab

tea bag storage box from TattooDreams

and cute tea set for kids from ricracsews

wow, that was a long post on tea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love this post.
we certainly did have a grand time today!
i also like that teapot from Anthro. As well as the teabox!
thank you for being such a great friend. happy birthday week.