Friday, October 16, 2009


introducing a new feature to my blog...decorating inspiration boards. i hope to post one every week. let me know if you have any requests. it is quite fun. first up, is my new idea for my bedroom (see, i told you it would change)...yellow and gray. i like it.

row 1
howdy card by DWRI Letterpress
crocodile print by Farouche
light from ikea

row 2
buttons by Button Empire
bedroom unknown (traci sent it to me)
pillow from willam sonoma home

row 3
photo by (my favorite) alicia bock
drawer pull from lowe's
curtains from anthropologie

row 4
bedding from pottery barn
photo unknown
tea from harney and sons


Sarah said...

I am currently basing all my downstairs rooms on the following color palette:

Midnight blue
Apple Green

Can you make me an inspiration board for my living room/dining room?

ange said...

i heart your decorating board idea.

i also heart yellow and gray.

Reenie said...

love, love love yellow and gray. Mick and I have those same buttons. They are right next to each other in my shadow box.

I think I want to change the color of my living room. I need inspiration.

Traci Healey said...

i am highly anticipating many inspiration boards.and look forward to many garage sale and thrift store finds.