Friday, February 22, 2008

the latest and greatest.

i have been trying to come up with something exciting to post, but it's been pretty boring around here. here is what we've been up to.

-this past monday, i had to get a colonoscopy and endoscopy done because of some abdominal pain i've been having (no, i'm not pregnant). we'll see what the results will be. i'd appreciate your prayers cause i haven't been feeling too well this week.
-someone generously covered our valentine's dinner at the melting pot.
-i had a premiere party with jenny.
-matt worked out and now can't walk.
-i booked my first official wedding!
-i haven't taken many pictures lately due to my computer being out of memory :)
-set a date to take ange and jer's engagement pictures.
-went to get our bridesmaids dresses for ange and jer's wedding!
-editing ben and em's wedding photos.
-yelling 'hoodie hoo.'
-missing london.
-and that pound cake i made...not so much.
-organizing the department a little more.
-getting ready for our grow retreat next weekend.
-husband has been leaving me notes in the morning with different psalms to read, which has really blessed me.
-mom came and rescued me today from the snow.
-and my birthday week has commenced. which is definitely the greatest.

i hope you all are surviving the 'winter storm!'


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