Thursday, October 8, 2009


lots of exciting things have been happening around here. where to start...

monday was my last day working at the church office. it was very surreal walking out the door. but, i'm excited to be at home more and focus on photography a little bit more. i have a very nice husband who made me quit :)

matt is doing awesome at work. i am so proud of him.

we LOVE our college age community group. we are going midnight bowling tomorrow night...i am storing up my sleep cells.

last wednesday, we were at the phillies clincher game. sarah wrote a full post here.

and yesterday, we got to go to game 1 of the phillies vs. rockies series. it was my first post-season game ever and it was so much phun! the place was going crazy. the final out, the whole stadium started chanting, 'let's go cliff.' and as matt says, 'it's always a lot more fun when we win.' i was very blessed that matt took me and it was one of my favorite days with him. here are a few photos...

please notice the pink dora the explorer backpack that this rocky was sporting.

a beautiful day. it was actually very windy, but our seats were blocked by all wind.

phils win and matt is very excited?

a good day.

let's go phils! hopefully they keep winning and matt can make it to another playoff game.

upcoming this weekend is covenant's 25th anniversary. jer and ange are staying with us and i think we should have the boys make us breakfast. we'll see how that goes over.


ange said...

i second that. we might have to play some competitive game saturday night.

Sarah Smith said...

i love this post :)

kelli cohee said...

1) corey's mom asked if you were "retiring" :)
2) i heart the dora explorer backpack.
3) matt's "excited" face looks like he's being goosed.
4) the boys probably would make breakfast, but you'd have to be prepared to possibly eat some nasty things... like hot sauce drenched bacon.
miss you.