Monday, April 13, 2009

opening day.

mom has asked for a new blog post. she would like to see something other than my beaut of a rug. ok.

you might remember all of these dudes from last summer. 2008 FESL softball champions, the covfel bucks. well, today marks the start of defending their title. yes, it is softball opening day. matt says they are going to be even better than last year. we shall see. covenant also has two teams this year. sarah and i are very sad that mike and matt aren't on the same team. but, i pray for good things for team 2. it'll be fun when they play each other too.

other happy happenings at home hayes...
-the house is coming along. we bought some more furniture this past weekend thanks to some very nice sales at pottery barn outlet. so, we're getting there furniture wise, but not as much decorating wise. wise oh wise? ha...that was for you sharpie.
-we have had 3 close friends of ours get engaged in the past week or so. very happy.
-um, i just heard harry kalas died. that is not happy.
-we went to our first phillies game of the season with the smith's. and matt got to go to the game where they got their world champion rings. and what a game that was.
-we had a nice easter with both of our families. and i made an incredible handmade easter basket for matt. update: here is the picture. it has ears and please notice it says, 'hopppy easter!'

-i was also very happy to see my dear abby for a few minutes yesterday.
-i felt my little niece kick for the first time!!
-this weekend is my first wedding of the year! i have 10 weddings booked from april-september. and i am helping kel with a few also (sisterhood of the traveling cameras, as i like to call it). i am amazed at God's blessing on my very small and young photography business.
-and the happiest of all, matt has picked the guitar back up. i was serenaded with 'lady in red' at 11:45pm friday night and a few more times since. but, my all time favorite is when he sings 'ancient of days.' he is very serious about his guitar practicing. i really love him.

go bucks!


Sarah Smith said...

this was an excellent blog post my dear. and yes, it is very sad that our boys are on separate teams. but mike seems to be ok with it....he says he wants to put some distance between himself and Matt's softball wrath :)

yay for weddings!! and i wish you had taken a picture of your handmade easter basket

ange said...

it'll be very sad to not go to church softball games this year. i'll have to find a way to come up for one.
it was boss to see you yesterday and chat.
you will be such a good aunt to lucy. glad you felt her kick.

Michelle said...

very good post. i very much like your lists.

who's the third engagement (alyce, reilly, and ???)?

Traci Healey said...

Matt has inspired Rick to play the guitar more, and last night wrote me a song about how he loves me even though I eat those stinky sesame sticks.