Monday, September 22, 2008

it's in the bag

i really like the whole idea of bringing your own bags when you go shopping at the grocery store, trader joe's, the local target, etc. but, i can never seem to remember to bring them with me. i think these could work though. and they're cute, which matt says is very important.

and i came across this blog today by emily, who i know from living in pittsburgh. i spent quite a lot of time looking over all her posts and found some fun and helpful things in it. check it out.

we just got back from vacation last night! we had a great time all together. and now starts 2 weeks of wedding celebrations. umatt gets married this weekend and a bunch of family is coming in for it. and then my dear sarah sharpie is getting married next weekend. and i can't wait to see my co MOH for it! so, vacation photos to come soon, but maybe not till the weddings are over. it will be BIG fun though!


Jen Hayes said...

those bags are very cute.
which is very important. :)

Alivia's Momma said...

meg...thanks for mentioning my blog. Obviously I have a lot of free time on my hands. Probably should be cleaning or feeding the hungry or changing the world but blogging is so much fun. Oh well. Thanks again..Emily

ange said...

i think i'd end up buying more then would fit in my bag!!! that would be a tragedy. :)