Tuesday, June 10, 2008

'bout time

i have been asked numerous times lately, from my adoring fans, when i was going to post again. so, here you go. this post will be sadly lacking photos.

i finally got my new car and love it!!!!

we've been quite busy lately. the bachelorette party i mentioned in the previous post went off without a hitch! but, instead of going camping as planned, we went into the city! we ate at el vez, a super swank mexican restaurant, and rolled with the celebrities.

that next weekend, i went down to orlando while matt stayed up here. i had a blast with my mom's family. the weekend was full of ball bopping, euchure & yahtzee, laying by the pool, laughing and food. matt had quite the time while i was gone. he made his own beef jerky. according to him, it was top notch. and then he and my dad went camping and to a phillies game.

and then that next weekend, we had traci's bridal shower. it was low key and chill. and weird that it was the last of the sisters bridal showers. i can't wait for her wedding. it's going to be so beautiful and i'm jealous that her pictures are going to be so good.

and then last weekend, i shot a wedding and matt came along as my second shooter. the wedding was outdoors in 98 degree weather. it was a long day, but the bride and groom were very relaxed and matt and i had a lot of fun together.

and now this weekend, my dear friend angela is getting married. i have mixed feelings on this one because i am so excited that she is getting married and to such a wonderful guy, but she is moving away too. ange and i have had so many great memories together. the blue team at youth camp, the brook-lean eteam, the bolivia eteam, mischief nights, na, serving on the ateam together with traci bob, girls nights with steph and sharpie, this past youth camp, and everything in between. no, i am not crying. i can't wait to add another memory together this saturday when i get to stand beside her as she marries her best friend. and i will be going to visit them down in g-burg...for sure. here is one of my favorite pictures of us. we're in bolivia eating the mosty yummy popsicles.

tomorrow, our little sister jenny will be graduating middle school and moving on to high school. a celebration is definitely in order.

and we at 825 s. high street pray that this heat wave is over soon because it is so unbearably hot in our apartments.

1 comment:

kelli cohee said...

when's the next installment of "post this" with guest blogger matthew hayes?