Thursday, February 7, 2008

post this - the zoo is awesome

well ... meg has been pressuring me for quite some time to do an occasional post so i am giving in. the title of all of my posts will be called 'post this' because it is a pretty cool thing to say.

a lot of good stuff has gone on in the past 2 months, our first christmas, london, our first anniversary in ny, but, because i am a boy ... zoo's will always be really awesome to me.

in early january on about the only nice day we went with some friends to the zoo ... it was awesome.

check out this guy taking a nap

he was getting a drink

stalking his prey

just chillin

taking a nap

lion king anyone?

scary dude

so there was our day at the zoo ... as my dearest love said i was way too interested in the animals and not enough in the people, but still ....

post this - animals are cool


Ryan said...

I have to agree..."post this" is
a pretty awesome thing to say. :-)

kelli cohee said...

we look forward to more installments of "post this"

Unknown said...

matt....very good. very good pictures ;-)
i hate to break it to you, but i don't really think that mountain lion was stalking any kinda looks like he's just sittin there....but i wasn't there so i don't really know...but that's just what it looks like haha
The picture of the lion is the best.