Tuesday, August 28, 2007


a few weeks ago, matt found a recipe that he said he'd like to try. and last night, he made it. i did not even attempt...sadly. but, it was really good!! we had some grilled pineapple along with it which was a great compliment. just thought i'd share.

it is called grilled chicken with sesame. and here is the link. http://men.msn.com/articlemh.aspx?cp-documentid=5177970&page=2

Sunday, August 12, 2007

a picnic at marsh creek.

this post is dedicated to mom.

"what blog?" well, you need to comment!

today i went and picniced (is that a word?) at marsh creek with my family.

this lovely picture of mom was taken by traci bob.

maybe a recap on youth camp someday...but not today.